How Is Heroin Taken

Last year, over 4 million prescriptions for painkillers were written in Tennessee. By now, many of us are aware of the growing opioid epidemic in this region of the United States. Opioids, or painkillers, are very effective for short-term pain management. Unfortunately, anyone who takes them long-term risks forming a dangerous dependence on them. Thankfully, […]

Fentanyl In Heroin

If you or someone you know has ingested heroin that’s been laced with fentanyl, the best-case scenario is an intense “high” followed by some hangover-like symptoms like headaches and nausea. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case for over 2,500 Tennessee residents that died in 2021. Nor was it the case for the 67,325 Americans that died […]

Heroin Eyes

It’s difficult to hide heroin use. Anyone who is under the influence of heroin has certain telltale signs that they’re inebriated. Sometimes they slur their speech or nod off without warning, other times they may be visibly shaking or lethargic. Heroin use is visible because heroin attaches to opioid receptors that directly impact our central […]

What Is Liquid Heroin

Heroin is not legal anywhere. Unlike other opioids in its class, heroin isn’t prescribed post-surgery or for chronic pain management. It is an illicitly manufactured opioid, which means it’s made in labs that aren’t regulated with ingredients that are often incredibly harmful. And yet, people continue to buy heroin in droves, risking their health and […]

What Is Heroin Cut With

If you or someone you love is managing an opioid use disorder, you’re not the only one. In Tennessee, there are around 143 opioid prescriptions for every 100 people. (Yes, you read that right.) Opioid use is very common, as is opioid addiction. At ReVIDA® Recovery, we make it our mission to inform our Appalachian […]

Stages Of Heroin Addiction

If you’re feeling like you’re at the mercy of your heroin use, you’re not alone. The overdose mortality rates in Appalachia are over 65% higher than in the rest of the nation. In the United States, we’re losing over 47,000 people to drug overdoses every year – many of them involving heroin or fentanyl. It […]

Heroin Street Names Or Slang

Are you (or is someone you love) involved in heroin use? Are you trying to figure out if someone you love has an addiction to heroin, and you want to know what heroin looks like? Are you hearing strange language coming from your child, and you’re trying to understand if they’re talking about drugs? All […]

Why Does Heroin Make You Itch

If you or someone you love is managing an opioid addiction, you’re not alone. According to the Addiction Resource Center (ARC), opioid misuse is higher in Appalachia than anywhere else in the nation. If you’re living in a small Appalachian community, finding treatment might feel like a challenge. At ReVIDA® Recovery, we want you to […]

What Is Black Tar Heroin

Heroin, an illegal opioid derived from morphine, has caused over 143,000 overdose deaths since 1999. Despite this, over 15 million people use heroin worldwide, and it’s a booming market with around 55 billion dollars worth of annual sales. Tennessee is no exception with 70,000 residents currently managing an opioid addiction. At ReVIDA® Recovery, these numbers […]

How Long Does Heroin Stay in Your System

Every substance and medication stays in your body for a different length of time. In the medical world, this is normally measured by its “half-life.” A half-life is half of the amount of time it takes to fully enter and exit the body. For some things like ibuprofen, you can take a new one every […]