Do Opioids Cause Weight Gain: Understanding the Links

Opioids can take over the mind and body, causing a myriad of negative side effects. Many of these are well-known, as we have witnessed the opioid epidemic affecting millions of families and loved ones. But what about the lesser-known effects – the ones that may have indicated your loved one was taking opioids sooner? What […]

Life After Opioids – It Gets Better

Life After Opioids: Navigating Rejoining the Workforce in Recovery Opioid use disorder takes over millions of lives every year. Making the choice to seek treatment can be empowering, and reclaiming your life from opioids will feel rewarding and freeing. But opioids have been the center of your world for the past months or even years […]

Opioid Overdose: Spotting the Signs to Save Lives

She was not heroin. He was not morphine. They were not codeine. She was a mother. He was a brother. They were friends and family members. Those we have lost to an opioid overdose were not a problem, they were people. They had names, faces, lives, and people who cared. They live on in memories […]

Where to Find Narcan in Johnson City and How It Can Save Lives

We have all seen statistics surrounding the opioid epidemic, numbers about deaths, arrests, babies born dependent, and more. Behind each number is a life – a family member, loved one, close friend, even coworker. Losing a loved one to opioids turns worlds upside down and tears families apart. What can be done? How can we […]

Where to Find Narcan in Knoxville and How to Use It to Save Lives

The scope of the matter is simple – overdoses can happen to anyone at any time, and often to loved ones we least expect. In 2023, almost 500 suspected overdose deaths occurred in Knox County. Here at ReVIDA® Recovery, we bring education to our communities surrounding substance use and harm reduction. Our program combines therapy […]

What Are Opioid Receptors and How Do They Work?

We have heard the term for years: “the opioid crisis.” It has ripped through our Appalachian communities, taking away sons, daughters, aunts, fathers, and friends while leaving many loved ones behind with heartache. It’s hard for them to understand why opioids seem more important than the people around them. The science behind what is going […]

How Long Does Opiate Withdrawal Last: Taking a Look at the Timeline

It can seem like an easy feat – just stop taking opiates and everything will be fine, right? Those who have managed opiate withdrawal know that this type of advice is meaningless. Those who have tried to stop are met with pain in both the physical and mental sense, often leaving them to wonder “How […]

Alcohol And Opioids

You drink a few drinks at a party before a friend of yours offers you some opioids. You take the substance because your friend says you will have more fun. However, after some time passes, you feel like you are stumbling and more dizzy than you usually feel after a few drinks. Your breathing is […]

Dangers of Gabapentin and Opioids

You had taken several opioids throughout the years and had been proud that you had never experienced an overdose before. However, after a night when you took a dose from a batch of heroin that a dealer told you was the strongest yet, you woke up in the hospital. The doctor informed you that you […]

Why Do Opiates Make You Itch

It’s a normal day at work, a customer brought in a Chevy 1500 saying something felt off in the drive shaft. You have it up on the lift and are trying to diagnose the problem when you hear a loud crack and your coworkers shouting. The lift shifts to the left and all you remember […]