Our most frequent questions
We know you have questions. We can help.
How much does ReVIDA Recovery®’s program cost?
Your out-of-pocket cost, if any, will depend upon your health insurance coverage and benefits. Various medical plans will cover 100% of the program costs. With insurance, patient responsibility may vary. We recommend allowing our staff to verify your coverage when you call for an assessment.
How long does your program last?
The length of treatment will be determined by you and our multi-disciplinary team based on your individual progress and goals.
Do you accept my insurance?
ReVIDA participates with many insurance and managed care plans from Tennessee and Virginia. We will verify your insurance for acceptance. If you are out of network, our services will likely qualify for coverage and we will assist you to determine the reimbursement level.
Do you accept self-pay?
Where are you located?
ReVIDA Recovery® Centers are located in Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia. At present, we have seven locations in this region and details can be found on our locations page.
How many days a week would I come?
Frequency of visits will be determined by our clinical professionals.
What addictions do you treat?
ReVIDA specializes exclusively treating Opioid Use Disorder.
Which specific drug addictions do you treat patients for?
ReVIDA has successfully treated patients for addiction to all of the following drugs:
Heroin and Opioids.
Medications such as: Methadone, Vicodin, Oxycontin, Codeine and Percocet
How do I begin?
Following an assessment, our team will develop a treatment plan that is personalized for you and your family.
What about confidentiality?
In order to protect our patients’ right to privacy, ReVIDA will not release information about you or your participation in our program unless you give us written permission. We strictly follow 42 CFR Part 2 and HIPAA requirements.
Do I have to do AA/NA within your program?
Our goal is to allow each person entering the doors of ReVIDA to develop a realistic plan for recovery. In order to accomplish your goals, development of a recovery support system is essential. Attendance at AA and/or NA meetings will give each person an opportunity to not only meet new friends and support but also to develop a recovery plan that is sustainable. We offer several open AA-NA meetings per week at our facility.
Are you a certified program?
We are licensed Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Centers in Tennessee and Virginia.
Take your first step towards recovery.
We are here to help. Call our toll-free telephone number.
Or complete the form at right to receive a call back from a ReVIDA Admission Specialist.